Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Animal Farm Poem: Revision of the Past

A gunshot dances
Across the October breeze
Bringing remembrance
of a battle unseen.
Dense fog surrounds
The unravelling dream
of animals charging
towards their enemy.
One pig up front
Scans the scene
Turns on his hooves
Exclaiming, "Long live humanity!"
Now aiding the enemy
He's marked a traitor
Receiving wounds in turn
For working with the instigator.
But the fog slowly rises
Revealing the truth
of the scene imagined
That persuaded
The brutes.
The pig in the front
Fought without harm
He never abandoned
The Animal Farm.
False words
Turned a nation
Against their own kin
Who knew a revision
Could cause such an end.
The past is the past
And should never be altered
Don't let a lie
Cause you to falter.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Poetry Out Loud Performances

The poem "Facing it" by Yusef Komunyakaa was recited by Brandan Emanual Wellington. Once the play button was pushed I was immediately drawn in by his confidence and voice. He added a haunting sorrow to the tone in his voice and it gives the listener goose bumps. Brandan's dramatization was remarkable. He was telling the audience the story and showing movements, actively involving the audience in the poem. Without a doubt, he clearly understood the meaning of the poem by his confident air and his voice. While Brandan recited the poem you saw the emotions expressed in his facial features and within his tone; it revealed the emotional meaning behind the poem. Part way through the poem I was ignorant to the fact that I was sitting at my house; I felt as if I were "in" the actions within the poem. By the end of the poem I longed to hear Brandan recite more peotry.

The meaning behind "Facing it" is not a pleasant, happy poem, as can be told by Brandan's voice that was, through out the recitation, sad and bone chilling. The poem simply told the truth behind war and the hardships of life; many sacrifices are made whether they are bad or good. The event most focused on was the Vietnam War. In fact, the author/speaker places us at the site of the Vietnam Memorial and describes the names scribed into the marble representing the many lost lives. At this time Brandan's voice had a ring of regret and longing to change what had happened. Many times throughout life you will regret the decisions you make, but you must live with them; that's the truth. You can't go back in time and change what has already been done; learn from what has happened.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mockingbird Motif

After reading To Kill a Mockingbird the definition of motif was clear to me. I often mix up symbolism and motif however, the novel showed me that a motif enhances the meaning of things or themes within the story. The novel helped me understand motif since it explained the meaning of the motif within the themes and actions that portrayed the themes. The motif really helped me grasp the true meaning behind To Kill a Mockingbird. The part where I understood the motif the most was when Tom Robinson was caught while trying to escape the prison. Just like a mockingbird he was shot dead when he was in fact completely innocent; he was the victim. If the novel hadn't given examples to enhance the motif I wouldn't have been able to follow the story line and the meaning behind the novel.The motif is very simple: a mockingbird. It's thought to be a sin to kill a mockingbird since the bird is purely innocent and hasn't done anything harmful or wrong. You can relate that to life; it's wrong to blame someone who is innocent.

Without the motif the many themes within the pages of To Kill a Mockingbird would be pointless. All the themes follow the motif that it's wrong to blame something/someone who is not guilty. Throughout the book the motif is spread out and explained through different themes such as prejudice in all forms, standing in someone's shoes, and growing up. When you're being prejudice you're against a person, thing, or even a race and that theme was showed through Tom Robinson's case and through the Cunninghams even. People of lower class and race were blamed for things they did not do. As you grow up you realize things and as little kids Jem and Scout blamed Boo for doing things that he didn't do. After Scout realized Boo/Arthur had killed Bob Ewell she said that it wasn't Boo/Arthur because she didn't want Boo to go through court and be blamed. He had already been through many hard times and he was trying to protect Scout and Jem, not harm them. The motif is the base of the themes and shows that each theme/issue is not right and that blaming others/things for your problems could lead to unjust conclusions.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Symbolism (Extra Credit)

The character I portrayed was Mayella Ewell. The symbol I chose was a plain looking bird who is trapped in its cage. Mayella is of lower class so, like the bird who is plain, she is thought of to be an outcast from society. Also the cage represents how trapped she is. In her house she is the only one who tries to make progress, but her father, Bob Ewell, beats her, which makes her crave attention and freedom from her home and family. Once Tom Robinson shows kindness towards her and acts like he's releasing her, her urge for freedom becomes great and she acts rash. However, her actions caused her to feel a great amount of guilt, and that guilt turns into a new cage that will keep her trapped within her own feelings.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Life Lesson

Throughout my life I've heard many different tidbits of advice such as don't eat yellow snow. Although that piece of advice has stayed with me, that's not the advice that has really helped and impacted me. When I was younger and I was fighting with my sister or arguing with a friend my mom would always say, "remove yourself from the situation." Whenever she said that it usually meant she was getting impatient and needed us to take a chill pill. By stepping down and leaving the argument alone you can calm down and clearly think out the problem without anger and rage blocking out your sense of right and wrong. I don't know how many times this quote has been used by my mom, but all I can infer is that it's been over used for many years now. Even though it's over used I never get tired of hearing this quote since it reminds me to give myself time to before jumping to conclusions.

To many this lesson would seem pointless and inferior compared to other life lessons, but to me it holds important meaning. As a child I would always jump to conclusions and get angry, but bit by bit I learned to remove myself rather than dwell on and continually pester whoever happened to be the unlucky victim of my complaints. Today I do occasionally keep a subject rather than dropping it, but rarely do I ever get to the point in a fight where anger is seeping from me. Many times I've kept my temper and avoided unnecessary actions; it even helps when others are arguing and, all I tell them is "drop it" or "stop talking about it." As a child I didn't understand how walking away would help; I just thought it was another way of saying 'I surrender, you win.' It took me a few years to decipher the true meaning, but now I hold it close. When you keep at it you or others can get seriously injured, physically, mentally, or emotionally which really isn't necessary. The best way to solve differences is to calmly and patiently discuss with the other person in order to clarify what you disagree on, not jumping to conclusions and acting on a whim.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Best Friend!

I hate playing favorites, but my best friend out of ALL my friends would have to be Julia! She has medium-length curly brown hair and brown eyes. When Julia doesn't know a person very well it's challenging for her to open up to them completely. She speaks spanish fluently and detests peanut butter because, in her opinion, it looks strange. She always has an aura of peacefulness and cheeriness surrounding her, so whenever I'm with her I can't help but be happy and relaxed just like her. One thing that I advise a person not to do is to mispronounce her name. Once you mispronounce it she says, "It's pronounced Hulia NOT Julia, gosh!" Also, she recently decided to become a vegetarian and stop eating meat; that ties in with her don't pollute and keep the earth clean motto.

At first you would perceive Julia as an introvert since she can keep to herself when she doesn't know you, however with time her personality morphs into more of an ambivert and she will begin to open up like a flower early in the morning. Once Julia opens up you see that she's intense and strong-willed; her will power won't let her give up easily. I'll admit she's a bit of a hippie; not a bad drug-user hippie, but one who cares about nature and others. She's very attentive to people's emotions and can sense when something is wrong. For her being an altruist comes naturaly; she doesn't have to force herself to care or worry about others in order to seem nice, in fact, it's like she has an extra sixth sense.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Early Memory

Imagine a sparkling, clean kitchen that was freshly cleaned. Two little girls are opening cupboards and pulling out various ingredients; what they are making is a mystery. Those two teeny siblings were my sister and me. I don't remember our ages, but I do remember the story in great detail. For some odd reason we decided not to use the table/counter to mix the dough and to flour the "cookies"; we used the floor instead. I'm not sure whether the floor was clean or not at the time, but we didn't care, obviously.

You know how most normal cookies are made with sugar, flour, eggs, milk, water, etc? Well mine and my sister's cookies were made with JUST water and flour. Now just imagine how horrid and icky that goopy cookie would be. To make the creation even worse we didn't bake the cookies; we just cut them out using a cookie cutter and gave them to my mom and dad to eat. That seems just evil to me now that I really think of it. I mean my mom and dad HAD to eat the cookies to seem nice since that's their role in being parents.

Another part of this memory is my parents emotions. When they saw the hugungous mess of flour and gloopy batter covering all the tile in the kitchen they were pretty mad. They didn't show it too much around us, but, really, who wouldn't be mad if their kitchen was completely covered in disgusting cookies? I'm pretty sure everyone would be frustrated at that point. Thankfully my cooking skills have improved since then, and I'm now perfectly capable of making long as they're premade and ready to throw into the oven!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Far From the Madding Crowd: Tone

Hm why did the author use tone? Well, the author used the tone to help bring the characters to life and to help explain their stand point. For example, the main character Gabriel was, at one point, a good shepard with enough money to get by, but he still wasn't quite as high social wise as he could have been. Through the authors word choice you realize that he is actually a bit on the pathetic side, especially when it comes to his obsession with Bathsheba. The author continues to belittle Gabriel throughout the book by bringing in descriptive characters who continually size down his part and importance withink the novel. Basically the authors tone is patronizing since he's looking down on Gabriel and every small action he puts out. Also, most of the other characters that are introduced have more importance when it comes to social standings and importance, and if there is a character who is lower standing then Gabriel seems then, of course, Gabriel must somehow become involved with him or her. By using the tone as the dominant literary element you can begin to understand the characters emotions and how they feel towards to many events within Far From the Madding Crowd and towards one another.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Outside Reading!

The novel that I have chosen to explore is Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy, and I'm not quite sure if I'm enjoying it or not yet. A part of me likes the novel, yet a different part of me dislikes it, mainly because I wonder if I will really finish it by October 12 since it's slow paced and one of the longer books on the list. For awhile I dreaded reading Far From the Madding Crowd since I'd heard it wasn't all that good, but after the first few chapters I began to really take hold of the plot and give understanding it a try. While just getting through this novel is a challenge, the even bigger feat is deciphering it. Since the diction is high ,and you constantly have to stop to find a definition of some unfamiliar word, but when you finish finding the word then usually you're out of your "reading zone" and don't feel like reading any longer, so you put the book down and think, "I'll come back in an hour." when really you don't come back at all. Also, while your reading you feel as if you've read for hours and have succeeded in reading a good portion of your book when you've only read maybe 30 pages or so; you're pretty dismal when you realize your slow progress and the amount of time that has passed.

The dominant literary element is a tough one to choose in this novel. There's quite a bit of imagery, however the tone is important also, so I'm still a bit between which to choose; I'm more towards the tone though. The imagery within Far From the Madding Crowd doesn't have much significance or meaning other than a description of a scene, person, or object, no symbolic meaning or relation to an important aspect of the novel. The tone seems to be deeper within the novel, but it is in fact there, hiding, waiting to be found.

In my opinion Thomas Hardy is using the tone to help compare the main character to later introduced characters, and show his social standing in comparison to theirs. Gabriel, the main character, comes off as a nobody and Hardy uses word choice to convey that message. Another thing is that the author seems a bit biased towards people who are lower in the social standings by implying that they aren't capable of keeping hold of what they have. The author wrote Gabriel as a character who is lower than all the other involved characters within the novel, and describes him as "just a shepard" and many variations of that. Gabriel is even lower than the women in the book and at the time that Far From the Madding Crowd is set men were believed to have more authority than the women. So far the tone has stayed the same and has not once shifted, but you never know when things within a book could change.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Writing About Reading

There are many people in this world that detest reading! I am not one of those people, and I can't even imagine how someone could really hate reading. Maybe it's because they don't take the time to read an actual enjoyable book; they just read what they're forced to read for school which is almost always a boooring book. I find it amazing that you can get completely absorbed into a story and escape the real world and all its problems, even if it's only for a short time.

Usually if I find a book uninteresting when I first pick it up, I try to read through the first few chapters to see if the book will hold my interest once the plot becomes more eventful; if the book continues to be a disappointment I put it down and decide to try another book that will, hopefully, capture me in its pages. A confusing book is a whole other story; I will keep reading it no matter what. If it doesn't making any sense whatsoever than I normally go to my mom or my sister and ask them to help me decipher the book. However, every once in a while even they can't help me, so in that case I go back to reading the confusing book and see if reading on will clarify what I'm confused on; that works almost always.

Something that comes in handy is that I can read in about any type of environment whether it's noisy or even uncomfortable, but I only read in those horrid conditions if that's my only option. Although I can't read in cars that are warm; I get car sick if it's warm and stuffy. The best place to read for me is in the comfort of my own room. I love to just curl up in my bed with my blankets surrounding me, keeping me nice and warm when reading. Plus, with my room being upstairs, the noise level is very low, so that makes getting into a book and concentrating a very simple task.

Well, I'm really not a big fan of non-fiction. It's just like a history lesson squished into however many pages the book happens to be, and history isn't a subject I enjoy. Most of the time I read fiction. Reading about characters and events that you can relate to easily are more my style! I read fiction because it's fun to read a new story that you haven't heard of before and meeting a new character is like meeting a new person in your life, and they can sometimes even bring a smile to your face or even tears!