Imagine a sparkling, clean kitchen that was freshly cleaned. Two little girls are opening cupboards and pulling out various ingredients; what they are making is a mystery. Those two teeny siblings were my sister and me. I don't remember our ages, but I do remember the story in great detail. For some odd reason we decided not to use the table/counter to mix the dough and to flour the "cookies"; we used the floor instead. I'm not sure whether the floor was clean or not at the time, but we didn't care, obviously.
You know how most normal cookies are made with sugar, flour, eggs, milk, water, etc? Well mine and my sister's cookies were made with JUST water and flour. Now just imagine how horrid and icky that goopy cookie would be. To make the creation even worse we didn't bake the cookies; we just cut them out using a cookie cutter and gave them to my mom and dad to eat. That seems just evil to me now that I really think of it. I mean my mom and dad HAD to eat the cookies to seem nice since that's their role in being parents.
Another part of this memory is my parents emotions. When they saw the hugungous mess of flour and gloopy batter covering all the tile in the kitchen they were pretty mad. They didn't show it too much around us, but, really, who wouldn't be mad if their kitchen was completely covered in disgusting cookies? I'm pretty sure everyone would be frustrated at that point. Thankfully my cooking skills have improved since then, and I'm now perfectly capable of making long as they're premade and ready to throw into the oven!
haha you and Lia made the cookies? funny blog!